Housing Choice Voucher Program
This program provides housing assistance for low-income individuals, families, elderly and/ or persons with disabilities to afford decent, safe and sanitary housing in the private market sector.
How it works:
This program requires the applicant to fill out an application and be placed on a waiting list. As vouchers become available, applicants are sent a letter according to the date and time of application to set up an eligibility interview. If the applicant is found eligible to receive a voucher (vouchers are based on family composition) it becomes the applicant's responsibility to find a unit. This unit must meet Housing Quality Standards (HQS) and be within the rent requirements as designated by the voucher program. A Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract is executed with the property owner and the applicant. This contract authorizes Minot Housing Authority to make subsidy payments on behalf of the applicant directly to the owner.
Ward County Application
Mountrail County Application
McHenry/Pierce County Application
Williams County Application